Analyzes, perspectives and strategies for innovation and change.

In addition to tailor-made concepts, there are many publicly available publications of Frank Rehme. The following is an excerpt of the topics that have attracted international attention:

Co-author of the book Touchpointmanagement: Frank Rehme describes the Shopper Journey in the grocery sector and innovative ways of activation.

Frank Rehme is co-founder of the portal, a platform for innovation in retail. He regularly writes blog posts and produces podcasts on this exciting Theme.

Co-author of the book “If you want win let others win”. Neuromarketing in practice by practitioners. An exciting book for all who want to be prepared for future challenges.

The article on the challenges of the retail stores in the 21st century was taken up by the US National Retail Federation.

The Platt Retail Institute in the USA has published in his journal an article on culture change of companies towards innovative organization.

The Federal Association of Media and Marketing has published in his journal an article on Neuromarketing at the PoS.

In cyclically guest posts are written and published over retail specific issues on the specialized press.

Collaboration at the Nestlé Future Study “Wie is(s)t Deutschland 2030“

2009 Frank Rehme has recognized that there were many gaps in our knowledge of the industry in the digital signage. With Silke Reichenbach, he produced out 21 podcast episodes to answer prospective customers the outstanding issues.